Couples and Marriage Recommendations


Wired for Love

“What the heck is my partner thinking?” is a common refrain in romantic relationships, and with good reason. Every person is wired for love differently, with different habits, needs, and reactions to conflict. The good news is that most people’s minds work in predictable ways and respond well to security, attachment, and rituals, making it […]


Divorce Busting: A Step-by-Step Approach to Making Your Marriage Loving Again

By Michele Weiner-Davis In this ground-breaking book, Michele Weiner-Davis gives straightforward, effective advice on how couples can stay together instead of come apart. Using case histories to illustrate her marriage-enriching, divorce-preventing techniques, which can be used even if only one partner participates, Weiner-Davis shows readers: * How to leave the past behind and set attainable […]


The New Rules of Marriage: What You Need to Know to Make Love Work

By Terrence Real In his extraordinary new book, Terrence Real, distinguished therapist and bestselling author, presents a long overdue message that women need to hear: You aren’t crazy–you’re right! Women have changed in the last twenty-five years–they have become powerful, independent, self-confident, and happy. Yet many men remain irresponsible and emotionally detached. They don’t know […]


Reconcilable Differences

By Andrew Christensen and Neil S. Jacobson Every couple has arguments, but what happens when recurring battles begin to feel like full-scale war? Do you retreat in hurt and angry silence, hoping that a spouse who “just doesn’t get it” will eventually see things your way? Spend the time between skirmishes gathering evidence that you’re […]